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Stumpjack Coffee needs your help, all you Stumpers and Stumpjumpers out there. It's time for the annual Best of Manitowoc County, where you give props to your favorite places and services. Stumpjack would be most grateful if you would take a few minutes online to do the survey and if you would consider nominating Stumpjack for the following categories:
Coffee Shop
Beer Selection
Ice Cream (gelato!)
Of course, there are any number of places that serve great pizza or ice cream or do a great your personal favorites. The biggies for us are Coffee Shop, Atmosphere,Lunch and Beer Selection, so please enter us for these categories especially. The other two categories of Ice Cream and Pizza might be longshots for the Stump (although we do think we do those things pretty well, not as many folks know about it as know about the more popular places that serve pizza and ice cream.
It'll take a few minutes because you've got to enter at least 50 different places for the ballot to count, so grab a beer or a cup of coffee and settle in for a few minutes. It's kind of fun and the places who do win will surely appreciate your support. Support your local businesses and friends. Finally, please forward this to all of your friends online too and ask them to vote for Stumpjack in those categories too. It is a popularity contest, after all. Thanks so very much.
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